Tech Stack
TLDR If you're not interested in software development languages and tools, you could skip this page and go back to
Find Restaurants.
Why create this site?
One of the reasons I created this site was to provide a demo of some of my programming skills, as a way to meet new clients.
For that reason, I'll include some details here on the tools and technologies I used to create this site. If you'd like more info or have any questions, please feel free to
contact me or visit the
web site for my consulting business.
Front End
The front end of this web application was created using
- CSS3
- Bootstrap 4.3.1
- JavaScript
- jQuery 3.4.1
- jQuery UI 1.12.1
- AlloyFinger.js
- Auth0
Back End
The back end of this web application was created using
- .Net Core 3.1
- ASP.Net Core MVC
- Custom Tag Helpers
- .Net Standard 2.0
- Web API
- Azure Storage Blobs
- Azure Maps
- Geolocation
- Yelp API
- Azure SignalR
- C#