What does this web site do?
Bookmark a Restaurant
Hide a Restaurant
Distance to Each Restaurant
Search Radius
Automatic Refresh
Directions / Google Reviews
Yelp Reviews
What does this web site do?
When you open this site, it may ask permission to use location services on your phone or computer. The site needs locations services to know where you're located, so it can find restaurants near you.
Location services must be enabled for BOTH your phone (or computer) and for your web browser (Safari on iPhone, probably Chrome on Android).
If you need to find restaurants in a location
not near you, for example in another city or state, try
Adam's Restaurant Bot. This other web site hosts a chat bot, which you can interact with to find restaurants by city, zip code or nearby address.
Bookmark a Restaurant
As you're looking through the list of restaurants, you may want to create a list of restaurants you can refer to later. If you're using this web site on a device with a touch screen (eg mobile phone, tablet, etc.) you can SWIPE RIGHT on the image in a restaurant card to bookmark a restaurant. You can SWIPE LEFT on the image in a restaurant card to clear a bookmark.
You can also click an empty (outlined) bookmark icon in the upper right-hand corner of a restaurant card to bookmark the restaurant. You can click a filled (solid) bookmark icon to clear the bookmark.
Once you've bookmarked at least one restaurant, a set of buttons will appear at the top of the page.
Click the "Near Me" button to find restaurants by location. Click the "Bookmarked" button to find restaurants you've bookmarked.
Hide a Restaurant
As you're looking through the list of restaurants, you may want to narrow down the list. If you're using this web site on a device with a touch screen (eg mobile phone, tablet, etc.) you can SINGLE TAP WITH THREE FINGERS on the image in a restaurant card to hide a restaurant from the list.
When you hide one or more restaurants, a "Show Hidden Restaurants" button appears at the top of the screen. You can click this button to show all hidden restaurants.
Distance to Each Restaurant
The restaurants are displayed in order of proximity. Closest to you is first on the list. Farthest is last.
Search Radius
You can click the Search Radius menu to set the site's search radius to 1, 2, or 5 miles. If you're using this site on a small device (eg phone), the menu will appear when you click the "hamburger" icon, which looks like three parallel lines stacked on top of each other. On a larger screen, you will see "Search Radius" in a main menu bar across the top of the page.
Automatic Refresh
As you move (walking, driving, on a train, etc.) the list of restaurants near you will update automatically.
Directions / Google Reviews
Click the 'Directions / Google Reviews' button at the bottom of a restaurant card to open a Google page for the restaurant. This page will allow you to get directions from your current location to the restaurant. The Google page also contains reviews, buiness hours and other helpful info.
Yelp Reviews
Pretty much self-explanatory. :)
This site works in the United States, Mexico, Canada, Sweden, German, Japan, Brazil, New Zealand, etc.
Distances are displayed in miles or kilometers, depending on the country.